How much do I have to pay for a call?
It depends of the advisor that you choose. During your call or chat – the platform will show you in real time the amount that you have to pay until that moment:
- 0 within the first minute
- An amount equal to advisors per minute fee times the duration of the call in minutes starting with minute 2.
So, a call with a duration shorter than 1 minute is free, right?
Correct. The first minute is free for introductions and questions.
Are there any hidden costs? Besides what I pay to the advisor?
NO, the platform only takes a commission from the advisors, not the clients.
Can I video call an Advisor?
Video call readings, audio, and chat per text are all available but it depends on the advisor that you choose. Some only prefer chat and some do all of the above. You can check on their profile first.
When and how is the payment made?
Your card is automatically charged at the end of the chat/call – according the rules in question 1. For longer calls, partial payments can be made.
Is the platform responsible for the quality of the provided services?
NO, shaymana facilitates online reading services between the advisors and clients. We are a third party contractor – we do choose our advisors well but we do not take responsibility for any issues that arise between the customer and advisor. You can however leave a review on the advisors profile or ask the advisor for a refund. It is up to the specific advisor whether or not refunds are given.
How can I make a complaint?
We take complaints and feedback seriously. Please contact customer support and we will respond to all enquiries. We operate 24/7.
If I am a psychic – can I apply to become an advisor?
Yes, of course. if you have experience – Please contact customer support and we will promptly get back to you to arrange an interview and reading if we have any upcoming availabilities.
If I am an advisor - how do I get paid?
You will need a paypal account. Instructions will be emailed to you. Your pay will be put through at the close of each business day (minus commission from the platform) at 4pm AEST timezone.
The question that I have isn’t listed?
No problems, please contact our customer support team and we will get back to you with any questions or enquiries you may have.